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제목 교육중심의 성경적 예배관 탐색
영문 제목 A Reflection on Education-Centered Biblical View of Worship
저자 김규욱
다운로드 pdf 교육중심의 성경적 예배관 탐색_김규욱 20120519.pdf (630 KB)
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국문 초록 이 글은 오늘날 한국교회의 문제점이 예배의 의식주의화에 있음을 지적하고 그 해결의 대안이 예배의 교육적 지향에 있음을 밝혔다. 한국 교회는 말씀의 체계적이고도 심도있는 교육을 통한 ‘삶의 전영역에서의 영적 예배’보다는 ‘예배당이라는 구획된 공간에 갇힌 의식주의적 예배’의 모습을 띠고 있다. 의식주의화되어 가는 한국교회 예배의 문제는 크게 보아 구약과 신약의 복음적 관련성에 대한 성경해석상의 오류로 부터 말미암는다. 구약의 제사제도는 그림자로서 실체로 오신 그리스도 사건으로 해석되어야 하며, 그것들은 모두 하나님의 영원한 은혜를 설명하는 복음적인 의미를 가지고 있다. 구약의 모든 제사 의식은 이제 그리스도가 오심으로 완전히 성취되었다. 이제 신약시대에는 그리스도 안에서 그리고 성령 안에서 이루어지는 영적 예배로 바뀐 것이다. 영적 예배란 말씀을 잘 깨달아 지혜롭게 생각하며, 은사대로 성도들을 봉사하는 인격적 삶을 뜻한다. 이는 그리스도의 복음을 통해 하나님의 은혜를 누리고 함께 나누고 섬기는 천국생활의 모형이다. 영적 예배와 기독교교육은 불가분의 관계를 가진다. 성경이 강조하는 예배자체가 인간 변화의 과정을 함축하는 교육지향적적 의미를 지니고 있다.
영문 초록 It is pointed out in this short article that ritualism is the main culprit of the current problems long resident in many Korean churches and the Biblical education is recommended as resolution of the problems. Teaching and learning must be given the priority of the Church''s ministry as shown in Jesus'' life and ministry. The model education method that Jesus showed is free from formalities: He chose 12 disciples and shared life with them teaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Apostle Paul is also a great educator. However the lofty mind set for the truth-centered education had slowly dimmed out through the medieval darkness of the Christianity. Ritualism and formalism replaced the biblical education in Church ministry.
Sacrificial rites of the Old Testament is just a shadow of what is fulfilled in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Lack of such fundamental understanding of the gospel, however, is the root of the current abnormality prevalent in churches today.
As a matter of course, the worship service has been degraded from the spiritual worship in our daily settings as intended by Jesus to the shamanist ritual in a sacred place.
The Reformation of 16th century was an urge of the reformers to go back to the teaching on the Bible. Reformers, such as Calvin overthrew ritualism which had long been smudging the worship service but made every effort to place the Bible at the center of the worship. The epicenter of the Reformation was always the church teaching and learning the Bible.
It is important to remember that the superintendent of the Christian education has always been the Holy Spirit. Since the Fall, human reason has permanently been damaged thus man cannot capacitate to reach the knowledge of God by himself. As results, all men live to pursue their own glory and their ultimate purpose is worshiping themselves. The Bible defines such life as sin: sinful life of those who do not know God.
However, the believers live a life of living sacrifice as they take off the old flesh and transform into a new creation by the guidance of the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of the truth. It is the life of the spiritual worship in spirit and truth.
Spiritual worship and Christian education are inseparable. The goal of the Christian education is to guide the believers to mature and reach Christ-likeness: it connotes transformation from the old flesh to the new creation. Romans 12:1 says "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God''s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." The spiritual worship is the process of refraining from following the values of this world and loving oneself but of changing into Christ-likeness. It is the essence of spiritual worship.
However, the life of spiritual worship does not mean a life of escape from the world. It rather is a life of acknowledging God''s gracious glory which shines upon one''s daily life and denying one''s fleshy desires in every situation of life. In other words, it is a life of rejoicing inner person and submitting old flesh under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In every aspect of life, family, workplace, churches and culture, believers can enjoy intimacy in their daily fellowship with God and they can also enjoy His grace and blessings through service of others, not themselves. This is the life of spiritual worship of which only the Holy Spirit can make possible.
키워드 의식주의화된 예배, 영적 예배, 삶으로서의 예배, 영적 예배의 교육지향성