통합 자료실

제목 기독교 역사학의 기초와 적용 ; 기독교적 역사 이해 - 기독교 사관의 본질
영문 제목 Foundation and Applications of Christian Historiography ; A Christian View of Hi
저자 이상규 (Sang Gyoo Lee) (고신대학교 역사신학 교수)
다운로드 pdf 52200155.PDF (865 KB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 인문과학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제7권 3호 (통권 23호)
발행 년월 1994년 09월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Discussion is, in this essay, devided into three parts. The first looks at the meaning of the view of history. Since historians view the past from some perspective, there has been various views of history. Therefore the question naturally arises: how we Christians view of history? In the brief treatment of the various views of history the writers suggested a Christian view as the most comprehensive and normative perspective on the understanding of the course of human events. If Marxist is basically a valid system, Marxist versions of history will be basically valid. If Marxism is a flawed system, the view of history it produces will also be flawed. By the same token, the Christian perspective on the human past must be judged by the validity of Christianity itself. As we believe the Bible is true, and Jesus is really "the way, and the true, and the life", the Christian view of the past will be the clearest of all. In the second section, the writer examined the Biblical or Hebraic understanding of the history as the basis of Christian view of history. These are largely explored from the Scriptures and are discussed both for their intrinsic importance and as exemplars of the need for Christian perspective on history. In the third section of the essay the writer examined some distinguishing characteristics of the Christian view of the history which should help us in our interpretation of the past, present and future time. As mentioned above Christian historians found in Biblical history a source and base for their view of history. First of all, biblical teaching that God`s work of creation, the Fall of mankind through sin, and Redemption through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Christ makes the basis of our discussion. Christians do not emphasize the rational side of life as the Greeks had. Christians historians emphasize a new philosophical dimension into history with their sense of past, present and future time as linear, not merely cyclic, and centered in Christ`s incarnation or cross. Some Old and New Testament passages suggest that there has been special providence of God, and suggest special times of Divine action in history. Therefore, at the very heart of the Christian view of the past are God`s work in history, His providencial action in history and anticipation of a coming reign of righteousness beyond history. History has a teleology that is revealed in a divine plan during the course of history and that will be consummated at the end of history.
키워드 기독교 사관, 기독교 역사학