통합 자료실

제목 창조연대와 기원 논쟁 ; 기독교적 관점에서 본 가이아 이론
영문 제목 A Consideration of Gaia Theory from a Christian Point of View
저자 조정일 (Jeong Ill Cho) (생물학 박사, 전 전남대학교 생물교육과 교수)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 창조론
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제7권 4호 (통권 24호)
발행 년월 1994년 12월
국문 초록
영문 초록 In gaia theory, Lovelock argues that planet earth is a living system. Only living thins in the universe can produce disequilibrium and maintain homeostasis, that is, constant condition, in a system. There are several disequilibria in the earth, such as oxygen concentration in the air, salt concentration in the sea water. In addition, control system like temperature control can be created by wisdom and design. According to gaia theory, these features of the earth show that the earth is a living system with high intelligence. As for the process on how the earth had became a living self-organizing system, he argued that she had a life at a time of the evolutionary period. The earth, as a living system, has produced suitable conditions, mainly disequilibria, against her changing surroundings. It is worthy nothing that he identified disequibria present in the earth. There must be two alternative explanations for the presence of disequilibrium in the earth. One is that, as he argued, the earth is living. The other is that the disequilibrium resulted from the design inserted into the earth in the beginning. Lovelock excluded the second alternative from his discussion. He developed the Daisyworld model to explain how the earth maintain the constant temperature against the changing surroundings. The model has not been tested, and has not been supported by any real evidences yet. The probability by that a life can be formed is zero. Disequilibrium and control are products of wisdom, not of truly natural processes. The evolutionary theory on which his theory has been established is wrong. Several data contradict his arguments in gaia theory.
키워드 가이아 이론, 창조 연대