통합 자료실

제목 The Rise of Educational Technology: How now shall we teach?
영문 제목
저자 Benson K. Kamary,
다운로드 pdf [교육A] 밴슨 (논문) The Rise of Education Technology - How Now Shall weTeach.pdf (66.3 KB)
pdf [교육A] 밴슨 논평추가 (리차드 에들린) Kamary Paper RJE Response.pdf (86.8 KB)
pdf [교육A] 밴슨(논평 Drexlew) The Rise of Education Technology - How Now Shall weTeach.pdf (69.7 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 기독학문학회
발행 정보 (통권 32호)
발행 년월 2015년 11월
국문 초록 The rise of educational technology in recent years has been inspired by the advances in digital technologies and online resources. When instructional technology seems unescapable and demand for integration of technology into teaching and learning increasing, how are educators to respond? This paper explores the growth of education technology, the scope of educational technology and technology integration into teaching and learning. A discussion on how educators are to understand, approach, and engage technology in education from a reformational worldview perspective has been provided.
영문 초록