통합 자료실

제목 Research on the philosophy of Christian Education in the Netherlands
영문 제목 Research on the philosophy of Christian Education in the Netherlands
저자 최용준 (한동대학교 교수)
다운로드 pdf [교육 01] 최용준(논문+논평) Research on the philosophy of Christian Education in the Netherlands.pdf (488 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 춘계학술대회
발행 정보 (통권 23호)
발행 년월 2016년 05월
국문 초록
This article deals with the Christian philosophy of education in the Netherlands. First, the purpose of Christian philosophy of education is discussed. After that, the history of Dutch Christian education is briefly surveyed and is categorized into four different types and stages. The first stage is the 16-17th centuries where Calvinism was dominant in education. The second part is the 18th century when France ruled the Netherlands with ideas from the Enlightenment which introduced a public school system by the state. Thirdly, the so called 'school struggle' initiated by the neo- Calvinists such as G. Groen van Prinsterer and A. Kuyper will be discussed. Fourthly, pluralism since the second part of the 20th century will be explained. After that one case study of the ‘vrijgemaakte (liberated) reformed school' will end the main body. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn by suggesting the lessons and implications of this research for Christian education in Korea.
영문 초록
키워드 Dutch Christian Education, Calvinism, the Enlightenment, Neo-Calvinism, Pluralism