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영문 제목 Should human cloning research be used for unpredictable benefits for human medic
저자 이하백 (Ha Baik Lee) (한양대학교 의과대학 명예교수)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 공학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제12권 1호 (통권 35호)
발행 년월 1999년 03월
국문 초록
영문 초록 The recent demonstration that the nucleus of an adult sheep cell can be completely reprogrammed by the oocyte cytoplasm to generate a new adult sheep is exciting to developmental biologists because it demostrates that the genetic information in mammals can remain intact in a differentiated adult somatic cell. This paper explores possible applications and abuses of human cloning and draws out the principal ethical and social dimensions, both of what might be done and its meaning. The demonstration of totipotency in an adult nucleus provides a major impetus to reprogram adult human cells to they can be used in cell-based therapies for human diseases. Now other disciplines such as philosophy, ethics, law etc are confronted with this challenge. So on one side we have to look for all risks and adopt adequate responsibility, on the other side to consider medical benefits by solving problems with organ transplantation, inherited neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and reproduction. But there are major practical and ethical objections to carrying out such an act. First, based on current knowledge, the efficiency of embryonic development after nuclear transfer is so low, and the chance of abnormal offspring so high, that experimentation of this sort on humans is unsafe at this time. Not prominently considered in the debate was the key issue of accumulated somatic mutations in the adult nucleus used for transfer possibly leading to premature aging, neoplasms and immunological disease. Thus, any possible therapeutic objectives of cloning human beings would be achieved at great risk to the offspring. Moreover, the deliberate generation of cloned human beings could infringe upon the dignity and integrity of human individuals It took 434 sheep oocytes to produce one Dolly. If the technology remains as it is, such a high failure rate will mean that numerous malformed or stillborn infants will be produced. If the technology does improve, then the possible harm becomes social. Cloning is not only a reproductive technique, but also a regenerative technique. New parts could replace old ones. This means that cloning should improve longevity or the quality of life or both for those who can afford it. We must ask whether our society would be stable if economic advantage could be transformed into such a discontinuous biologic advantage. some scientists claim that laws could hinder vital biomedical research that can lead to the repair of diseased human tissues and organs. However, if the people think that human cloning may cause damage to society, the government is within its rights to legislate against it. Just because we have the technology does not mean we have to use it. The relevant scientists do not particularly favor human cloning. There were laws against cloning human beings in Spain, Germany, Denmark, Australia, the U. K. and France. Also the Society for Developmental Biology and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology have both passed resolutions calling for a moratorium on human cloning. Although these organizations want to allow scientists to clone animals in order to study aging and various diseases and would allow drug firms to clone their transgenic mammals to make protein pharmaceuticals, both groups of scientists regard "cloning a human being as an unethical and reprehensible act." Alternatively, the ability to prod certain stem cells into becoming normal, mature human tissues than most people realize. The mesenchymal stem cells, unlike the embryonic stem cells typically develop into a smaller number of specific tissues forming cartilage, bone and fat cells identical, apparently, to the usual human versions. The cells are currently being tried experimentally for restoring heart muscle after heart attacks or repairing cartilage in joints before arthritis sets in. Currently it is a slow process to produce transgenic animals which have useful traits, such as producing human clotting factor or insulin in their milk, yet such proteins may be useful in the treatment of people who have a variety of diseases. Finally, we need to ensure that a great biomedical research could be lead to the repair of diseased human tissues and organs successfully. In summary, human cloning raises ethical and moral issues that go well beyond questions of safety, and there are many potential uses of cloning animals which may provide therapeutic benefits and be acceptable to most people if done humanely.
키워드 생명복제 기술, 질병치료