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제목 김성일 소설의 기독교 세계관 연구
영문 제목 Study on the Christian values Found in Kim, Sung-Il’s novels
저자 권경미 (Kyong-Mi Kwon) (성신여자대학교 문화내러티브 전공 조교수)
다운로드 pdf FS21(2) 001(권경미) 김성일 소설의 기독교 세계관 연구.pdf (573 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 세계관기초
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제21권 2호 (통권 67호)
발행 년월 2016년 06월
국문 초록 "본고에서는 한국기독교문학의 한 축을 담당하는 김성일 소설의 기독교 세계관을 연구했다. 김성일의 초기 소설인
영문 초록 "In this thesis, a study on the Christian view of the world in Kim Sung-Il's novels was performed. His early novels are significant in that the author's Christian view of the world can be seen and that the Korean-style Christian faith and culture blend together well in his Christian view of the world. Hence the thesis intended to look at his Christian view of the world as well as the Korean-style Christian faith and culture through his novels.
In the novels set in the 1980s, it is seen that non-Christians' getting to know ‘God-Christianity’ was done in the way that they longed for individual prosperity, companies' good fortune, and ethnic restoration. Individual prosperity is based on faith for blessing, such as my family's happiness, the restoration of my family member's health, and healing an individual's insecure state of mind. And in corporate aspect companies' continuing success is recognized as the core of the Christian literature, with the economic growth-first principle and the modern economic growth theory taking precedence over others. By doing so, a kind of centrism that puts happiness and comfort in the center (that means that if you go to church and believe in Jesus, everything you do will be successful) is shown. The premise that Christianity's image non-Christians can think of and imagine is quite based on success and prosperity largely excludes thorough self-reflection based on faith, which can be his characteristic as a Christian author, but is the reality of Korean Christianity and shows a cross section of the characteristics of the Korean Christian literature.
The thesis classified his novels according to individual aspect, corporate aspect, and ethnic aspect and looked at the characteristics of perspectives of faith that are shown in each aspect."
키워드 한국기독교 문학, 김성일, 기복신앙, 성장, 치유, 회복/ Korean Christian literature, Kim Sung-Il, faith for blessing, growth, healing and recovery