통합 자료실

제목 밀레니엄 전환기의 문화인론 ; 주제논문 2 / 전환기의 세계관과 문화에 대한 기독교적 반성
영문 제목 Cultural Theories in the Transition to a New Millenium ; Zeitgeist and Christian
저자 전광식 (Koang Sik Con) (고신대학교 총장)
다운로드 pdf 52200252.PDF (818 KB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 예술
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제13권 1호 (통권 36호)
발행 년월 2000년 03월
국문 초록
영문 초록 In the last century, the mankind on the earth had experienced a lot of things which could be considered as `development`, on the one hand, but he had met continuously terrible things which were called `crisis`, on the other hand. The train of the Twentieth century has run on the lines of development and crisis. In the spite of that, the sky of Zeitgeist is overwhelmed not so much by the optimistic atmosphere as the pessimistic. The world at the transition of millennium is not more expectation of `a new and brilliant utopia` but is filled with the spirit of `the End of the World.` In my opinion, the crisis and the human consciousness of it are not any temporary phenomenon, but a structural and essential. Among the factors which cause the crisis, are first of all crises of science, domestic international society, labor and economy, physical nature. The most important factor would be probably crisis of human being. While the Christianity confesses the human being as the creature of imago Dei, the materialism of Marx, the evolutionism of Darwin and the Psychoanalysis of Freud considered him only as a material, biological and mechanical thing and reduced him at best a higher kind of animal world which has intellectual function and labor power. At the crisis of this lower anthropology stands the western culture on the brink of ruin. The western culture has driven out God and all things related with him from their consciousness and life, science and society since the Enlightenment. The man and society of western civilization has been from that time on dominated by secularism, anthropocentrism, scientism, relativism, laissez-faire, ideological worship. Moreover, nihilism and hedonism hold the spirit of secular man. The restoration of man as imago Dei should furnishes a key for the solution of the problem. That is a task of the Christianity. The Gospel of the Christianity is the message and the power for the real restoration of man.
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