통합 자료실

제목 웨하아레쯔 로 티마케르 레짜미투드 ( 레 25 : 23a )의 증명
영문 제목 The Christian Worldview for Business & Economics : The Scientifical Verification
저자 이대환 (Dae Whan Lee) (경영학 박사, 토지시장 연구가)
다운로드 pdf 52200261.pdf (3.69 MB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 경제/경영
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제14권 1호 (통권 37호)
발행 년월 2001년 03월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Lev 25: 23a, " (웨하아레쯔 로 티마케르 레짜미투드)" means "the land shall not be sold for ever" or "the land must not be sold permanently." The land price is not realized as the profit because it has permanent future value. Since the land price is increasing, the land`s permanent un-realized value also increase by buying and selling. Thus, people can not actually buy and sell the land. This article intends to prove the statement that "people can not actually buy and sell the land in a proper sense." This point of view also makes clear that why the market of the stocks and futures is evil. As a basic solution of the market economy, the present writer would like to introduce the land-rent market which is perceived in "the parable of the vineyard." Our application of "the parable of the vineyard" implies an idea for a basic solution of the problem of the present market economy. The solution is that human beings ① should not hold or trade the land, ② but only the labour value. ③ They should pay the rent on the land value, and ④ the land value should be used for the public expense. If this solution is adopted for our economy, the result will be as follows. The labour value will not be taxed. The inflation and income inequality will diminish. If the problem of the stocks and futures will be solved as in the case of land, the periodic depression and economic crisis will disappear. The society will achieve the idealistic market (in perfect competition) without tax.
키워드 경영, 경제, 웨하아레쯔 로 티마케르 레짜미투드