통합 자료실

제목 How to Teach Creatively in College EFL Classroom?
영문 제목
저자 Meng-Fanxu (전주대학교 박사과정)
다운로드 pdf [교육]02맹번욱(요약)How to teach creatively in College EFL clas.pdf (67.9 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 세계관기초
발행 기관 춘계학술대회
발행 정보 (통권 24호)
발행 년월 2017년 05월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Creativity is always regarded as “thinking out of the box” and is integrated into educational curriculums in nearly all disciplines. However, studies related with creativity in English course still didn’t receive enough attention, especially in College EFL class, compared with creativity in science and arts fields. In EFL class, creativity teaching should have its focus not only on big “c”, such as poetry, novel, and other eminent productions using English, but also on little “c”, the improvised speaking or spontaneous creative communicative performance in English. In addition, creativity does not happen in a vacuum, teachers’ creative behaviors and strategies adopted in teaching process are of vital importance in developing learners’ creativity in language class. This paper first introduced the characteristics of creative behavior of EFL teachers as well as the features of creative activities. In foreign language teaching, teachers need strategies to provide a creative learning atmosphere in which students are motivate and original and critical thinking is generated. Specific creative teaching strategies are described with examples in this paper hoping to offer more insights for creative teaching in college EFL class.
키워드 creativity, creative behaviors, college EFL teaching, teaching strategies