통합 자료실

제목 사회복지에 대한 기독교적 조망 ; 특집 논문 : 논문 2 ; 이주노동자 문제해결을 위한 기독교의 역할
영문 제목 A Christian Worldview on Social welfare ; A Role of Christianity in Solving the
저자 김기원 (Kim Gi Won) (서울장신대학교 사회복지학과 교수)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 기타
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제16권 2호 (통권 41호)
발행 년월 2003년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Recently it is widely said the modem welfre state reach a crisis especially in western states. As one of alterative solutions to the crisis of welfare state, informal welfare state is presented, which emphasizes the role of christian agencies. A migrant worker refers to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national. In the Bible, a needy migrant worker is called as the least of persons. we christians assure that through His life, death and resurrection Jesus Christ has made us one people. Even though we were born in different countries and brought up in different culture, there is only one body and one Spirit, All persons, regardless of their nationality and legal or social status, are entitled to fundamental human rights and basic quality of living, including migrant workers and the members of their families. If we discriminated migrant workers and excluded them from our society because they are not born in Korea, we did commit a sin. As a social repentance, Christians are to participate in the voluntary activities to promote welfare of needy migrant workers and protect basic human right. In dong so, Christians rely on the word of the living God as supreme and reliable guide. God is the defender of the poor. Faithful obedience requires that we share God` concern and act on it. It is a kind of true worship. He who oppresses a poor man insults his maker, but he who is kind to the needy honors Him. If we persecute needy migrant workers, we persecute God. If we show hospitality to them, we honor Him. In order to do biblical justice to migrant workers and restore them Imago Dei which was lost, christians are to perform christian welfare programs which alleviate their pain and break the causes of their pain. In the process Christians can play such roles as value-judge, issue-initiator, service-provider, case manager, program developer, social educator, fund raiser, volunteer-management , intervener in the process of welfare policy.
키워드 아젠다형성자, 복지정책형성과정, 기독교의 역할, 사례분석, 조선족 동포