통합 자료실

제목 기독교와 인권, 그리고 정치
영문 제목 Christianity, Human Rights, and Politics
저자 이국운 (Lee Gug Un) (한동대학교 국제법률대학원 교수)
다운로드 pdf 52200293.pdf (1.10 MB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 기타
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제16권 2호 (통권 41호)
발행 년월 2003년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 This is an article reviewing the Human Rights discourse from the Christian perspective. Paying attention some negative side effect of Human Rights discourse in Korean Society in recent years, the author wants to analyze it in the theoretical framework of `Liberal Legalism.` For him Human Rights discourse in the mere liberal sense seems a political myth of individualism and rights talk. Moreover it is against the basic principles of Christian approach to law and Human Rights, which starts from the idea of `Image of God` . As an starting point of the Christian alternatives, the author emphasizes the counter concepts of Human Rights like Human Duty or Human Responsibility. He argues that it is better that Christians should develope a political theory of the Golden Mean from a reflection of Human Rights discourse. He expect that this gives us more chance to do the politics of sacrificial mediation which Jesus Christ ordered us in the Cross.
키워드 인권, 인권담론, 권리, 의무, 인권정치, 기독교정치, 중용, 입헌주의