통합 자료실

제목 성경 속의 가난 - " 앗씨시의 가난한 자 " 였던 성 프란시스에게 바침
영문 제목 The Christian View of Poverty and Wealth ; Poverty in the Bible
저자 대천덕 (Reuben Archer Torrey) (예수원 설립자)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 경제/경영
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제4권 2호 (통권 11호)
발행 년월 1991년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 The Bible contains over 986 references to economic issues, of which approximately 500 deal directly with poverty. The Old Testament gives formulas for preventing or correcting poverty, and these are laid down objectively and simply, but the vast majority of the references are in connection with failures to apply these basic systems and are filled with emotion and anger. The New Testament agrees with the Old Testament. The key word in the New Testament in this respect is "fulfill". It is carefully emphasized that the Old Testaments is not discarded or replaced, but only fulfilled. Christians should note that the teaching that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and that his followers have no responsibility to do anything about the Old Testament is unscriptural. It is and has been requently used as an excuse to avoid responsibility. The fact is, the New Testament cannot be understood apart from the Old Testament. The New Testament adds to the Old Testament the necessity and the possibility of a change of heart plus the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Old Testament. The Old Testament refers frequently to the spiritual problem, but until the coming of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, there could be no solution to the spiritual problem. In addition to supplementing the Old Testament by means of the inner work of the Holy Spirit(the external work of the Holy Spirit, for miracles and prophecy, existed in OT times), the New Testament adds one more solution to the poverty problem which is only hinted at in the Old Testament. This is the koinonia of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament the family provided an important economic unit that was often able to deal with the problem of poverty. In the cases of widows and orphans` however, the family system often broke down. There are a great many references to widows and orphans in the Old Testament discussions of economic issues. The New Testament solution is to create a new family, the family of all believers. This is known by the technical term "koinonia", and supersedes (but also includes) the natural family as an agency for dealing with poverty. In Old Testament times people gave to the poor, but often with a considerable degree of condescension, leaving the poor feeling inferior and embarrassed. The koinonia of the New Testament completely removes this condescension. Every member of the new "family" unit, the koinonia, is a member of Christ and has equal dignity with every other member. There may be priorities(I Cor. 12. 28), but these do not imply superiority in the worldly sense. No one is treated with condescension, but all with equal love, respect, and dignity.
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