통합 자료실

제목 키에르케고르의 기독교적 진리 이해와 그의 실존적 고백
영문 제목 Kierkegaard's Christian Understanding of Truth and His Own Existential Confession
저자 이승구 (Lee, Seung-Goo) (합동신학대학원대학교 조직신학 교수)
다운로드 pdf 90700199.pdf (1.42 MB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 인문과학
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제6권 1호 (통권 21호)
발행 년월 2001년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 In this essay I have examined Kierkegaard's journal entries dividing his adult life into four period. Throughout these four stages, he always emphasizes the difference between Christianity and the merely human standpoint. In the first period (1834-37), he emphasized this from the natural man's standpoint. Thus in this stage Christianity appeared as something which must be attacked from the purely human standpoint. In the rest of his life, Kierkegaard emphasized the difference between Christianity as God's thought (or God's invention) and human standpoint from the perspective of Christian faith. In the second period (1838-46), he tried to show this difference through providing several different views of life. That was the main purpose of his first authorship. In the third period (1846-52), he was more direct, and tried to be a direct witness of Christian truth. However, throughout the second and third periods, he occasionally still had doubts about Christianity. But in spite of his existential weakness, he tried, as far as he could, to keep Christianity as it is. In the final period, there are many extreme assertions, but except for his emphasis upon the spiritual at the expense of the physical, we can say that even in this period he tried to keep Christian standpoint pure. In conclusion, therefore, we may say that throughout Kierkegaard's life, he very clearly differentiated the Christian standpoint and the natural man's standpoint, even though he himself sometimes is not faithful to the Christian standpoint. His attack upon the mixture of these two standpoints can be understood as his criticism upon such a tendency - a tendency which is also found within himself.
키워드 키에르케고르, 기독교적 진리, 실존