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제목 문화전쟁 속의 문화변혁: - 기독교 문화의 역동적 활성화를 위하여
영문 제목 Towards a Christian Response in the Age of Culture War: A Study on the Dynamic Movement of Christian Culture
저자 추태화 (Chu, Tea-Wha) (안양대 기독교문화학과 교수)
다운로드 pdf 90700201.pdf (980 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 기타
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제6권 1호 (통권 21호)
발행 년월 2001년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 It is correct that the twenty-first century will be the age of culture. Culture should influence not only contemporary lifestyle but also the spirit and unconscious of the human being. Therefore culture may be one of the very important keywords which orients how people exist together.
In postmodern pluralism there are many different cultures which sometimes integrate and sometimes segregate. Christian culture which is rooted in the Words of God confronts in conflict the secular cultures. Mammonism and the commercial trend of postindustrial society will dominate most of all the truth of christian faith. Culture war in this case appears as a strenuous struggle between world view and real life. It is a spiritual war in modern times. Now the christian who possesses social responsibilities cannot deny his cultural role. As H.R.Niebuhr describes "The Christ" as transformer of culture the christian should redeem the culture through his dynamic movement in cultural life. The alienation of the christian from every part of society must end. Here christian church attains more cultural functions.
In this thesis we discuss the role, function and the programs of christian culture which could be used in everyday life, and further develops the spirit of the christian culture movement. The christian culture movement lets the people recognize their existential identity, because the modern people live as nomads. Christian culture should provide guidance. Modern culture becomes atomized and destructive. Recently it seems to have fallen into nihilism, agnosticism, and fatal negation. The christian spirit should transcend these phenomena.
Therefore christian culture will heal the people who are dominated by nihilstic world views and lifestyles. It should be a culture of healing. In addition, christian culture cannot be isolated from national identity. Christian culture in Korea must realize dynamic transcendence. That is the vision of the cultural movement.
키워드 문화전쟁, 기독교 문화, 문화변혁