통합 자료실

제목 플라톤의 우주론과 기독교의 우주론
영문 제목 Platonic and christian cosmologies
저자 이경직 (Lee, Kyung-Jik) (백석대 기독교학부 교수)
다운로드 pdf 90700221.pdf (918 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 신학/철학
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제7권 1호 (통권 23호)
발행 년월 2002년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 This article wants to show the uniqueness of the Christian cosmology compared with Platonic cosmology which is representative of Greek cosmologies. It shows the background of the essential concept of the Christian cosmology, namely 'creatio ex nihilo'. The reason why such concept does not appear explicitly in the Old Testament lies in that the interest of the authors of the Old Testament is different from that of the Greek authors. The interest of the Greek thinkers lies in the process or the structure of the universe, namely orderly nature. Their chief problem is: How does the order of this universe come? In the contrast, the authors of the Old Testament stress the will and the order of the God, the Creator of this universe. They are not interested in the actual ordering process of this world, but in the authority and the power of the legislator of the order of the universe.
This shows how insensible the propounders of the deism are. The deism results from the misunderstanding of the concern and the worldview of the Hebrew, namely from the false mixture of the thoughts of the Old Testament with Greek ways of the thoughts. The difference in the soteriology corresponds with that in the cosmology: the Greek, especially Platonic salvation is intellectualistic, but the Christian salvation is personal: Man should recognize the God as the Lord of the universe and obey Him.
키워드 우주론, 플라톤, 기독교의 우주론Platonic cosmology, Christian cosmology, deism