통합 자료실

제목 고령화 사회의 도래와 경제사회 변화, 교회의 사명
영문 제목 The Advent of the Korean Ageing Society, Economic and Social Trend Shifts and Missions of Korean Church
저자 이우성 (Lee, Woo-Sung) (STEPI 글로벌정책연구센터 연구위원)
다운로드 pdf 90700370.pdf (5.54 MB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 사회과학
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제7권 2호 (통권 24호)
발행 년월 2002년 12월
국문 초록 한국은 2026년경 초 고령사회로 진입할 전망인데, 급격한 고령화 속도로 인해 20-30년내 사회보장제도, 노인복지 문제, 노동시장 변화, 거시경제와 금융시장의 변화를 겪을 것으로 보고 있다. 본 고에서는 이러한 인구고령화와 사회변화를 맞아 교회가 준비해야 할 과제들을 제시하였다. 가장 중요한 과제는 노인선교와 구제활동의 강화이다. 이미 핵가족화와 가족붕괴로 독거노인이 크게 증대되고 있는데 고령화의 가속화로 확대일로를 겪을 것으로 예상되며 이에 대한 교회의 역할 증대가 시급하다. 두 번째로 가족해체와 공동체 붕괴 위기에 대해서 교회의 기도와 사랑이 필요하다. 고령화 위기의 근본적 원인은 노령인구 증가에 있다기보다 자녀수의 감속에 있다. 이혼율 급증과 가족해체로 청소년 성장에 부정적 영향을 미치고 있으며 이는 다시 청소년 문제, 폭력문제 심화로 이어지고 있어 가정회복과 청소년 선교를 위한 교회의 기도가 절실하다. 마지막으로 교회 자체의 고령화 현상에 대한 심각한 고민을 해야 한다. 서구 교회들이 산업화, 세속화, 고령화로 교회가 노인들뿐인 상황과 같이, 한국교회도 현재의 고령화 추세가 지속된다면 이러한 교회의 고령화를 피할 수 없다.
영문 초록 Republic of Korea has entered into the ageing society for the first time in 2001. Because of the fastest industrialization, the speed of ageing in Korea is far speedier than any other advanced countries, even comparing to Japan that is the most aged society in the world. In 2026, Korea will enter into the level of post-aged society higher than the OECD average. Demographical change tremendously impacts the political, social, economical aspects of a society. And, because of the steepness of the change, Korea will face harsh social changes in 20 years. Recently, researchers of ageing society have focused on the subject of social safety net problems including pension crisis, welfares of the elderly, changes of labor market and changes of macro-economy and financial markets. However, this paper suggests several missions that Korean churches have to prepare in the advent of the ageing of Korean society. The utmost mission is the enlargement of evangelizations and aids to the elderly. Already, the elderly household in solitude has substantially increased in recent years due to the nuclear family trend and the collapse of families. Moreover, most of these solitary aged peoples have neither adequate education nor critical endowments for living, which lead to an inescapable poverty trap. As ageing shall spread out into Korean society, this particular phenomenon will be prevalent to increase the elderly household in solitude and the poverty rates. Korean churches should take up this mission in sincerity. Specially, since the problem is getting worse in rural area, the interlocking relationship of rural and urban churches should be solidly developed to edify each other. Secondly, prayers and love of Korean churches is needed for the recovery of Korean families and communities. The cause of the ageing crisis lies not on the increase of the elderly, but on the decrease of the youth. The sharp soaring of divorce rate and family dismantlement beyond the spread of the nuclear family will negatively affect the education and growth of the youth. This, in turn, will bring forth the deepening of youth problems and social violence. The prayers of Korean churches will be indispensable to the recovery of Korean families and the evangelization of Korean youth peoples. Lastly, the subject of the ageing of Korean churches themselves should be taken up for serious discussion. The churches in advanced western countries are widely known for its decline during the period of industrialization, secularization and ageing. Korean churches would inevitably fall into the ageing of churches when the speed of ageing in Korea would continue. Specially, in the midst that the growth of Korean churches has stagnated since 1990s and the decrease of the young Christians has been more severe, Korean churches will be more likely to resemble the historical paths of western churches. Facing the ageing society, the most tremendous change in the 21st century, the sincere repentance and returning to the Lord, Jesus Christ is the one and only solid foundation to remain to serve as the light and salt with true life to the world.
키워드 고령화, 경제사회 구조변화, 노인선교와 구제, 독거노인가구, 빈곤, 가족해체, 청소년 문제, 교회쇠퇴, ageing, economic and social structural changes, evangelization and aid to the elderly, the aged household in solitude, proverty, dismantlement of family, youth problem, decline of church