통합 자료실

제목 기독교적 경제윤리와 그 현실적 가능성
영문 제목 Christian Economic Ethics and Its Relevance in Reality
저자 조상국 (Sang Goog Cho) (블라디보스톡 경제대 교수)
다운로드 pdf 52200055.PDF (950 KB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 경제/경영
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제4권 2호 (통권 11호)
발행 년월 1991년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Today we have faced various economic problems. One of the most serious economic problem nowadays is severe conflicts between the have and the not-have. With 10,000,000 Christians and 50,000 churches in Korea, Why do we have to face this conflict? For this I chose two reasons: 1. due to dualism between faith and economic life, that is, separation of spiritual life from physical economic life. 2. non-existence or deficiency of living faith communites to encourage to live according to biblical economic ethics. This paper, first, examines the possibility of biblical economic ethics in reality: the high standard of economic ethics in the New Testament is regarded, by some Christians, not possible in this world, but in eschatological kingdom of God. Some others believe that Jesus` teachings about economic life should be practiced in this world by true Christian community. Humanity always faces a double task. The one is to reduce the anarchy of the world to some kind of immediately sufferable order and unity: and the other is to set these tentative and insecure unities and achievements under the criticism of the ultimate ideal. Second, we follow Jim Halteman`s the two kingdom approach to the Bible. The characteristics of two kingdoms-the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world- are elaborated and contrasted. And the community of faith and kingdom practice is persued, based on this two kingdom approach. Christian ethics in the market capitalism and the way to put it into practice through a voluntary faith community is examined here. In conclusion, setting up voluntary strong faith community which integrates economic life into Christian faith is an urgent alternative to this turbulent secular world.
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