통합 자료실

제목 기독교 소비윤리에 관한 소고
영문 제목 A Treatise on Christian Ethic of Consumption
저자 이재율 (Lee, Jae-Yool) (계명대 경제금융학과 교수)
다운로드 pdf 90700200.pdf (764 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 경제/경영
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제6권 1호 (통권 21호)
발행 년월 2001년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Modern economics says that human preference determines consumption subject to given income and prices. It assumes preference is complete and transitive and simple. But some scholars say there are subject and ethical preferences at the same time. In our ordinary life, there are conflicts between our preferences. We need ethic of consumption in consumption life.
I am interested in Christian ethic of consumption. The Bible recommends simple life in consumption. The reasons are as follows:
First, increase in income and consumption does not tend to increase happiness much. Several psychological principles work here such as adaptation level, relative deprivation, self-serving, upward comparison principles.
Secondly, being indulged in consumption gives rise to danger of idolatry.
Thirdly, there are a lot of poor people. We are responsible for them.
키워드 기독교, 소비윤리