통합 자료실

제목 기독교대학과 기독교 교육에 대한 전망 ; 기독교대학의 신학적 기초
영문 제목 Perspectives on Christian Colleges and Education ; The Theological Foundations o
저자 이근삼 (Kun Sam Lee) (전 고신대학교 총장)
다운로드 pdf 52200070.PDF (666 KB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제4권 4호 (통권 13호)
발행 년월 1991년 12월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Christian university is the community of science on the one hand and the community of faith on the other hand. she is the human religional and educational response to the creational mandate given by our God and had a task to realize Christian worldview and thought in educational and cultural sphere. Therefore Christian university must be established on the biblical-theological basis. I would like to suggest the faith of theism and the correspondence of faith with action as foundations of the Christian university. First Faith of theism : Christian faith is the belief on self-existent and personal god revealed in the Scriptures, and Christian life is the personal response of human being to God`s works. Under the faith of theism we can mention believes on God`s Absolute Sovereignty, Creation, Cultural Mandate, Sense of Deity or Conscience, the Fall of Mankind, and Redemptive Special Revelation. Second Correspondence of faith with action : We should recognize the absolute sovereignty of Jesus Christ on all spheres of human life and glorify our God not only in service but also in all aspects of our lives. Christian believers and their earthly lives lies in the tensions between the present and the future, between `already` and `not yet`. But, we should lead our lives in eschatological perspective. The Education of the Christianity is and must be a project of the Christian community and is charged with a mission to bring up people of God in the secular society.
키워드 기독교대학