통합 자료실

제목 장애인 재활과 기독교적 소명
영문 제목 Christian calling for rehabilitation of the person with disabilities
저자 박혜전
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논문 구분 일반논문 | 사회과학
발행 기관 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425)
발행 정보 제14권 3호 (통권 41호)
발행 년월 2009년 12월
국문 초록 이 논문은 장애인 재활에서의 기독교적 소명이 무엇인가를 밝히기 위한 하나의 연구이다. 재활에 대한 이해와 성경에서 장애인들이 어떻게 나타나고 있으며, 그에 대한 세상 사람들을 향한 복음에서의 재활의 영향을 밝히고, 재활의 기독교적 소명이 무엇인가를 조명한 것이다.
하나님 나라는 결코 누구도 소외되지 않는 곳이다. 하나님이 다스릴 그 나라는 장애가 결코 장애되지 않는 곳이다. 우리의 학문과 믿음을 통해 장애인의 삶의 현장으로 걸어가야 한다. 고난과 역경이 있을지라도 장애인은 하나님이 사용하시는 그릇이며, 귀한 도구가 될 수 있음을 깊이 깨달으며, 소수자에 대한 사회의 공동선 추구 및 인권회복으로 우리의 관심이 돌려져야 한다. 하나님은 장애인을 결코 불쌍한 존재로만 보시지 않으셨다. 영혼구원의 대상으로 보셨고, 장애극복과정에서 하나님과의 진정한 만남을 통해 복음 사역자로 감당케 하신다. 우리는 크고 작게 모두 고통을 지니고 살아간다. 그러한 면에서 그 누구도 신체․심리적 장애에서 자유로울 수 없는 것이다. 장애의 의미를 생각해보며 특별히 기도라는 영적인 하나님과의 교제를 통한 심리․사회적 재활과 직업을 통한 장애인의 완전한 사회참여는 하나님 나라 실현의 완성이자 재활의 기독교적 소명이 완성되는 것이다.
영문 초록 This thesis is to do research on discovering Christian calling in the area of rehabilitation of the person with disabilities. This researcher will attempt to show how the Scripture reveals the understanding of rehabilitation and the person with disabilities; how rehabilitation makes impact upon the kind of gospel truth for them; and what the Christian calling must be for rehabilitation.
The conclusion of this research can be outlined as follows:
First, in the philosophy of rehabilitation all human beings are equal. The philosophy of rehabilitation seeks wholesome participation and equality of the person with disabilities. All human beings are created in the image of God. Once we realize the importance of souls as well as physical bodies of people, our attitude toward the person with disabilities must be changed.
Secondly, the paradigm of rehabilitation of the person with disabilities is being changed today. The issue of rehabilitation is not anymore that of personal sin or individual lack of caution, but a matter of individual choice and personal determination in the lives of the person with disabilities. The basic rights for them must be guaranteed and supported so that they can pursue their own purposes of lives. People must realize that, not simply by people''s care and hands of compassion, but by professional skills and methods of rehabilitation, this issue of rehabilitation is to be dealt with. We need to realize that the ideal of rehabilitation must be based on their potentiality.
Thirdly, the rights of the person with disabilities must be guaranteed for the justice of social common good. This issue of guaranteeing basic rights cannot be dealt with mere proclamation but by practical solutions for every and each area of rehabilitation in greater depth: Medical, psycho-social, educational, and vocational rehabilitation, through which their return to society is made possible.
Fourthly, God loves the person with disabilities. They are not the condemned, nor cursed because of their own sins, rather we can find in them God''s marvelous providence. Physical handicap is not God''s curse but the channel of God''s blessing. We can also find how God wonderfully change their lives. Being a handicap can be a witness for God and an evangelist of the gospel message.
God''s Kingdom is a community in which no one is ostracized. The kingdom that God will rule will never find person with disabilities to be a challenge. We must deal with reality of the person with disabilities by faith and by scholarship. In spite of pain and suffering, we must realize that being person with disabilities is a vessel in God''s hands, and precious instrument of God. Our attention must be given to seek common good of our society toward the minority and restoration of basic human rights. God never looks at the person with disabilities with pity only. God considers them as objects of salvation of their souls, and gave a pain of physical challenge so that they can carry out the task of gospel proclamation. We all live our lives with pain small or great. No one is truly free from the effects of pain of physical challenge. Seeking wholesome participation of the person with disabilities in society through psychological, social and vocational rehabilitation, through their reconciliation with God especially by prayer, through deep meditation on the meaning of physical challenge is toward the realization of God''s Kingdom here on earth and completion of God''s calling for rehabilitation.
키워드 장애인, 재활, 기독교적 소명, 사회참여, 인권회복