통합 자료실

제목 성경적 조형관 : 현대조각의 창조적 실현을 위하여 -
영문 제목 The Biblical Views on Plastic Art for the Creative Realization of Modern Sculptu
저자 오의석 (Eui Seok Oh) (대구가톨릭대학교 조형예술학부 교수)
다운로드 pdf 52200086.PDF (814 KB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 예술
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제5권 1호 (통권 14호)
발행 년월 1992년 03월
국문 초록
영문 초록 This paper refers to the Biblical views on plastic art for the creative realization of the sculptures in the atheistic background of modern art. At first, we discuss the Biblical views on sculpture: 1. The Bible does not forbid making a sculpture, but rather forbids worshiping it as an idol. 2. The God expects a sculptor to be "a little creator" according to the image of God, and to participate in the creative world of God as a fellow worker. These two Biblical principles are very important for the Christian sculptors to keep in mind for the meaning of his job and social position. Next we investigate Christian views on materials, space, and themes which constitute the basic frames of sculptures. We are able to summarize the Biblical views on sculptures as follows: 1. As to materials of sculptures, a christian sculptor should realize them as the gift of God, manage them with thank and care, work with the Creator within the limits of the physical properties of them, and do his best to be a skilled technician so that he could express the potentiality of them. 2. As to space, a Christian sculptor should be a steward of it, and thus work with the responsibility for the space and place which a sculpture occupied. Furthermore a Christian sculptor should add "What God is pleased to see" to God`s creative world or restore the original order in the deformed and destroyed world since the Fall. 3. As to themes, a Christian sculptor may select any theme in the world. However, the point of views in dealing with the themes of the sculpture should be biblical. When sculptors deal with the human being, there are often two possible dangers in the Christian perspective: Human being is, first, easily idolized as an object of worship, and used only as the object of the formative analysis and experiment. Thus, modern Christian sculptors should regard human being as a character while they express him using the methods of the contemporary sculpture. The themes of sculpture in the abstract world, however, can be easily handled with by a Christian sculptor once he realizes both the God`s calling as "a little creator" and the responsibility as a steward in space and environment.
키워드 조형관, 현대조각