통합 자료실

제목 기독교 사회학의 기초 ; 조작주의와 조작화에 대한 최근 몇가지 관념들
영문 제목 Some Recent Conceptions of Operationalism and Operationalizing
저자 Paul Marshall (캐나다 토론토 기독교학문연구소 정치학 교수)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 사회과학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제5권 2호 (통권 15호)
발행 년월 1992년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 We have briefly outlined the history of operationalism within philosophy of science and the sociale sciences. We h ave attempted to show the development of operationalist views within these various disciplines. From the problematics developed in this history a classification was erected of types of operational views, and several major works and recent texts within political science were categorized in terms of this classification. Type (1), the original operationalist view formulated by Bridgman is now largely defunct and may be disregarded. Types (2) and (4) dichotomize theoretical and operational terms, in the form of, "nonobservable" versus "empirical" terms. By an examination of the nature of validity and of theoretical terms we have sought to show that such a formulation is inconsistent. By means of examples, we have tried to show that it leads to problems in actual research. Formulation (3) is concerned with relating theoretical terms to available or relatively easier to gather data. Formulation (5) is concerned with providing quantitative measures for theoretical terms. These conceptions are unexceptionable in terms of the problematics discussed here. Much of the technical material concerning validity, reliability and errors developed in connection with the type (2) and (4) formulations may still be relevant and useful in concerns of type (3) and (5)
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