통합 자료실

제목 기독교 사회학의 기초 ; 가치이론에 대한 성경적 접근
영문 제목 A Scriptual Approach on Value Theory
저자 이대환 (Dae Hwan Lee) (경영학 박사, 토지시장 연구가)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 사회과학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제5권 2호 (통권 15호)
발행 년월 1992년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 The 25th chapter of Leviticus deals with the economic system. Leviticus emphasizes the sanctified life. In the former part of the 25th chapter, there is a regulation about nature or land. When we scrutinize that part, paradoxical contents are found here and there. So we are embarrassed by that. First, while man does not do production activity, land(nature) bears products. Second, the Bible tells people not to reap these land products but is displays some usages of them. Third, the Bible allows people the dealings of the land. On the other hand it forbids poeple to deal it. Fourth, there is a redemption to the land which is determined to be dealed. The attempt to approach this paradoxical meaning is the key point of my writing. The fact that products exist while production activity is not done means the existence of natural value. And the fact that the Bible decrees the usage but it does not allow people private possession of the value but it allows people public possession. The permission and forbidding of the land dealing means the marketing function of land distribution must be committed to rent and the land price must be extinct. The redemption system is aimed at preventing monopoly over property in land and using right of the land, which is the necessity goods for survival and production. But the previous economic system based on labor value theory or utility value theory causes various economic problems because it overlooked the land`s properties. And also it causes social problems derived from the economic problems. So, The core of land problems and economic problems is in the overlook of the existence of natural value and the overlook of land value including natural value. When the natural value mentioned in the Bible reverts to public possession, most of economic problems will be solved, I think. This is the central idea and theory system of land value taxation which asserts that if rent is taxed, all other taxes are extinct.
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