통합 자료실

제목 국가와 교회의 영역주권에 관한 연구
영문 제목 Study in the Sovereignty of Church State Relationship
저자 원종홍 (Jong Hung Won) ((사)예장합동중앙 총회직영신학연구원 교수)
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논문 구분 일반논문 | 기타
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제8권 2호 (통권 26호)
발행 년월 1995년 06월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Ⅰ. Introduction In Old Testament, the relationship between church and state may discover the adherence. Before Renaissance, the Catholic church was over the state and it was degraded to the nobility. But, after Renaissance and the Reformation, in 1453, the church was separated from the state. Then, are there any relationship between church and state today? Rather they live together. As any man belongs to and is protected by the state, he obligates to obey the law of state. The believer, meanwhile, lives to obey the law of church. That is to say, before church and state, the believer sometimes tenses and rejects the laws of them. In this sense this research newly aims to light the relationship of them and to solve the tension between them. Ⅱ. Perspectives on Church and State in Denominations A. Perspective of the State in the Catholic Until Renaissance, the church concerned the society and ruled over the state. In the Vatican Council of 1870, it is said that authority of the Pope not only was belonged to the faith and moral but was ruled over the state. Also, after the Crusade and Renaissance, it has been discovered that the authority of the Catholic church has never changed her attitude. B. Perspective on the State in the Protestant John Calvin insisted that the rulership of the church was not opposite to that of the state. Also he said that the state had a duty to protect the church which needs to be reconciled within itself and to promote peace in this world. He would reject the predominance of the Pope in the Catholic. Ⅲ. Perspective on Church and State in the Contemporary Theologians A. Emil Brunner In the E. Brunner`s opinion concerning the unjustice of the church and the state, the church helped to establish the social justice and placed the negative position to cooperate the totalitarianism. That is the say, the church would never keep silence to the totalitarianism and its violences. B. Liberation Theologians In his Pacem in Terris(1963), the Pope John ⅩⅩⅢ reported social encyclicals which referred the church must positively concern and participate the social activity. In his Theology of Liberation, meanwhile, Gustave Gutierez proclaimed to characterize the social gospel. It is said that the salvation should reject the exhortation caused by each other and struggle to justify the economic justice. Liberation theologians, therefore, are focusing on the social salvation rather than the personal in spirituality. C. Black Theologians Stokely Carmchael proclaimed the Black Power and Albert B. Cleage, the Protestant pastor, referred to the Black Messiah. In this view, the Black church challenged against the state which was operated by the White people. James H. Cone emphasized that the radical activity of Black Power was never opposite to the Bible. It was influenced by the Liberation Theologian in Latin America. Ⅳ. Perspective on Church and State for the Sovereignty A. Sovereignty Abraham Kuypper classified three kinds of the sovereignty: 1) the sovereignty of the people(de souvereiniteit in de staat) 2) the sovereignty of the people`s life (de souvereiniteit in de kringen van het volksleven) 3) the sovereignty of Christ church(de souvereiniteit in christus kierk). He, especially, empasized the divine sovereignty. B. Sovereignty of God A. Kuypper who succeed to Calvin`s theological thought persists that the human does not have the independent sovereignty but God only has the sovereignty of the creation. That is to say, it is meant that God is the highest creator and legislator. In Belgic Confession, it is written that after creation, God never gave up the world but ruled over it. John Calvin, meanwhile, addressed the purpose of the state that protected the pietistic citizen`s right, protested the church, kept the social order, and had a duty to protect the right of property. Also, he referred to the civil servant who was not only God`s representative and God`s vicegerent but intermediator between God and Man. Both Calvin and Kuypper, however, introduced resistance against the state. If the vicious governor would appear and do unjustice, may people obey to the governor? According to Calvin, one should not directly resist against the state but seek for God`s help or grace. He emphasized, however, that in case that governor prohibited to worship God and forced to serve idols, one could disobey. It was the theological confliction in his theology. Ⅴ. Perspective of New Theology for the Sovereignty K. Barth proclaimed the Barmen Declaration(1943) with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In that Barmen Declaration, the content of the 4th article is `Churches refuse to submit to the F¨hrer Principle`. K. Barth opposed the government`s `German Christians` and `Aryan paragraph`. Such kind of new idea of theology was to oppose the traditional view of a state and was a challenge to the devilish government. By the way, it is noteworthy that K. Barth`s new idea of theology affected liberation theology and black theology. And even in the 21st century, the wave of such a new idea of theology could not be restrained. Ⅵ. Conclusion A. Kuypper as a prophet of God warned against the individualism of the Capitalism and the collectivism of the Communism. He referred that both church and state do dependently their best within the sovereignty and cooperate each other as well. Nevertheless, it is said that the church has the hierarchic sovereignty. Because a sovereign is attached to the church which got the morality, ideology, and value system. So, the church can manage the state. Providing physical management herself, the church immersed in the secularization and then ended in destroying as like Russia(1917). The church, therefore, must keep out the secularization in practicing the ethic of the love(Agape) in Jesus Christ. And the state should devote herself to the church to keep the peace and order. Not providing that, God`s judgement will be given to the state. Now, we could have concerns on the relationship between church and state. It is said that the state should follow the normative law of the church while the church devotes herself to the state based on Agape ethic in Christianity. If the state disregard the normative law of the church, abuse the sovereignty of God, and disobey them, it will be soon destroyed like Nazism and Marxism. To do something against the vicious state was shown by Gustavo Gutierez`s Liberation Theology. In Liberation Theology it regards itself as a prophet to proclaim the message of justice from God in the vicious state. In this sense, the relationship between the Liberalism which would challenge to the sovereignty of the state and the Conservatism will tensely conflict each other.
키워드 국가 영역, 교회영역, 영역주권