통합 자료실

제목 토지공공임대제: 통일 후 북한 토지제도의 모델
영문 제목 Public Land Lease System: A Model for North Korea`s Land System in the Post-unif
저자 전강수 (Gang Soo Jun) (대구가톨릭대학교 경제금융부동산학과 교수)
다운로드 pdf 52200322.pdf (147 KB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 사회과학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제18권 1호 (통권 44호)
발행 년월 2005년 03월
국문 초록
영문 초록 How land system is built will be the toughest problem in the process of North and South Korea‘s unification. This paper tries to introduce an effective way to solve the problem: the biblical land law which says that land is the Lord''s and everyone should be given the equal land right.
Public land lease system is an excellent alternative to the post-socialist states, by which they are able to realize the equal land right of each citizen, while adopting market economy system. This policy is about transferring the rights of use of land and natural resources, which have belonged to the socialist government, to individuals in the private sector. As a return, the state receives public rent from the land users. Even though the land market does not exist in the private sector, as the right of land use would eventually go to the person who proposes the highest level of rent, the auction place will work as the land market, and the public rent will reflect the market value of land.
Although such a successful solution to the North Korea''s land system in the post-unification era exists, most researchers call for immediate or ultimate adoption of private ownership of land. Not only private ownership of land itself is defective, but also especially when it would be adopted in the North Korean region, the rapid decrease of land prices and financial crises will occur in the short-term period, and during the mid and long-term periods will arise land speculation, concentration of land ownership and social instability. Furthermore, this system is not familiar to North Koreans, who would have lived under the state ownership of land for a long time, thus has a great possibility to appear as a big barrier to the unification process itself.
Not that public land lease system does not have problematic aspects, however, those problems are almost nothing, compared to those caused by the private land ownership, and is expected to be easily overcome when appropriate measures are prepared.
키워드 성경의 토지법, 헨리 조지, 북한 토지 사유화 방안의 문제점, 토지공공임대제