통합 자료실

제목 기독교대학과 기독교 교육에 대한 전망 ; 기독교대학의 세속화
영문 제목 The Secularization of Christian Colleges
저자 John B. Hulst (전 Dordt College 학장)
다운로드 pdf 52200072.PDF (1.67 MB)
논문 구분 특집논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제4권 4호 (통권 13호)
발행 년월 1991년 12월
국문 초록
영문 초록 One of the challenges facing Christian colleges is the challenge of secularization. Secularization affects every aspect of life, also and especially education. The article focuses on the secularization of Christian colleges in North America, but it begins by tracing educational developments in europe, especially during and after the Middle Ages. This is followed by a consideration of the history of Christian, usually church-related colleges in North America. Vanderbilt University is presented as an example of the secularization of a Christian, church-related college or university. By way of analysis it is suggested that at least three issues have been involved in the proceses of secularization : 1) secularization has been the result of confusion regarding the respective tasks of the church and the college or university ; 2) secularization has resulted from a failure to sense that association with the church and its confessions is not sufficient to guarentee continued Christian commitment ; 3) secularization occurs when the college fails to understand the significance of reforming all the sciences. These three issues also indicate what a Christian college must do to meet the challenge of secularization, and to bring the entire academic program under the control of the Word of God.
키워드 기독교대학